Obtain BCIT Certification K-12 by Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).Builds upon your foundation and experience in the business sector.Is a nationally known and accredited business education program.Affords the opportunity for advanced graduate study in business, education, or related fields.Includes teaching and learning observations and experiences in K-12.Provides hands-on instruction in new and emerging information technology to engage students.Coursework is delivered 100% online (with student teaching to be done in the Bloomsburg area), and students can begin in the Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters.Our legacy and reputation across the state, and our strong alumni base, have school districts looking first to hire our students. Business Education is the Zeigler College of Business’s oldest program, dating back to the 1930s.Perfect fit for students with an undergraduate degree in any business discipline.Graduates are prepared for their teaching certification (#61-1603) in Business, Computer, and Information Technology.Find Info For Open the Find Info For menu.